Five Point Plan for New Writers
1. First decide exactly what it is you want to do. Be it to write a novel, publish a story in a magazine or self-publish a collection of your poems. Until you know what you want to achieve, you cannot make a plan. If you want to do several things,…
Memories From Your Loft Helps Writer’s Block
How sorting through memories in your loft can help with writer's block or just give you some good material...
Why You Should Do NaNoWriMo
National Novel Writing Month is run between 1-30th November each year. The aim is to write 50,000 words. Wait! Before you move away telling yourself you can’t do that, please hear me out.
Useful Editing Tools
Until recently, I’d never heard of editing software. A computer doing my editing is not something I’d even thought about, let alone used. However, as I’m always open to new ways to improve my writing I thought I’d give it a try...
Self-Published Your Book? What’s Next?
In Part 1, I showed you how to prepare your book, proofread it and how to publish it to Amazon and Smashwords. So what happens next?
Easy Guide to Self-Publishing An E-Book
If you’re computer savvy, and most writers are, then self-publishing an e-book of your novel is fairly straightforward and I will show you how to.
Writing for Women’s Magazines
When I was new to the womag market, I sold my first story within four months of submitting them, so if I can do it, you can too. Here are my top tips to help you start writing for women’s magazines.
Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back
Is the fear of rejection holding your writing back? Discover how I turn a rejection into a positive thing...