Self-Published Your Book? What’s Next?
In Part 1, I showed you how to prepare your book, proofread it and how to publish it to Amazon and Smashwords. So what happens next?
Easy Guide to Self-Publishing An E-Book
If you’re computer savvy, and most writers are, then self-publishing an e-book of your novel is fairly straightforward and I will show you how to.
Writing for Women’s Magazines
When I was new to the womag market, I sold my first story within four months of submitting them, so if I can do it, you can too. Here are my top tips to help you start writing for women’s magazines.
Hats Off To Writers!
Kudos to writers. There are many churning out book after book and I really don’t know how they do it. Well, that’s not strictly true. I know there are those churning out any old rubbish and using low paid writers from across the seas to do the work for them,…
Coping with Weight Gain Over 40
While people around me were obsessed with diets over the years, I was fortunate to keep a steady weight. I tended to be a workaholic, eating lunch on the go or sometimes not at all. If I was upset or stressed, I would get a knot in my stomach and…
Do Online Reviews Really Help?
Whichever way you buy your goods and services, how helpful are the reviews and can you trust them?
A Walk in the Dark
Many years ago our Writing Group set this 20 minute exercise to describe A Walk in the Dark, while thinking about the senses. Thinking of sounds and smells is still valid and many of us forget to include these in our writing...
Gender Differences and Dying!
We have a few men in our family network who do the holiday countdown. You know the sort? A week before your holiday they look at their watch or the calendar and say, ‘This time next week we’ll be in sunny…’ This of course sends you into a wild panic…
Don’t Let Fear Hold You Back
Is the fear of rejection holding your writing back? Discover how I turn a rejection into a positive thing...
Munch and the Treasure Hunt
Just a little childrens' story about sharing to read to your kids or grandchildren. Once upon a time there was a cow called Munch. She was Farmer Bob’s favourite cow and he named her Munch because...