You’re Never Too Old for Change
Continuing on from my previous posts about life and making choices, I find myself in a situation whereby I shall be making a very big change in my life. I have put my money where my mouth is.
I have always taken risks, given things a go and been up for a challenge. At 18 I gave up my job, sold my car and went off to live in Spain, just to learn the language. In my career, once I’d exhausted a job, I moved onto another, with no fear of a new start and meeting new people. So, as I’ve got older, it came as a shock to realise that I no longer liked change. I’m happy with my life, I like my tea in a bone china cup, I like sleeping in my comfy bed and no other will do and I must straighten any wonky picture on a wall. Maybe my life has had so many dramas in the past, that it has brought me to this.
Yet here I am, with my husband, about to embark on a new phase in our lives and move to a different country, speak a different language and start all over again. Are we mad? Sometimes I think we must be! Yet I am a little excited and perhaps not so set in my ways as I thought. Perhaps the old me is still knocking about in there somewhere.
The change is brought on by taking stock of our lives. Deciding if we are going to make every moment count or just go with the flow. It will be a challenge, but one we are both up for. Everyone can dream, but unless you harness your courage and be prepared to take a chance, it will never become a reality.
Everything has a trade-off though, and for me it’s my children. They are young adults, with jobs and lives of their own, but we are very close and I will miss them. As often as I am excited about our new life, I am tearful about leaving them. I know we will all cope, as we did when they first left home and I suffered from empty nest. I know that, thanks to the likes of What’s App and Skype, we will be nattering everyday as we do now. I know that I can still be their PA and sort out their insurances and other issues and guide them, but I won’t be there to give them a hug or make them a chocolate cake or family roast. That will be hard…but I’m still going.
You are never too old for change – my husband is learning a new language at 59 and he’s a gritty Yorkshire man and I’m reading up on how to harvest walnuts and how to grow a lemon tree. We won’t be on the doorstep for our family, but Europe is not too far away and we can make every moment count when they visit. As the cliché goes – you never know what’s around the corner – so make the most of every moment.
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Image courtesy of Suat Eman/

Carol Fragale Brill
Like you, I’m settled and love my current life, can’t imagine living anywhere else.
There’s change, and then there’s CHANGE, yours sounds exciting and BIG!!! Hope it’s everything you dream and more
Thanks Carol. Right now it’s very stressful with buying and selling properties, but it will come right in the end. I’m learning a lot of new things and I never thought I’d be learning the French for things such as termites, tree stumps and ceiling joists!!