A writing workshop gave us the prompt of 'Betrayal' and we had 20 minutes to write a quick story. What would you write? Why not give it a try. This is mine...
My Ageing Brain!
Poetry is not my thing and I admire those who are natural poets. Every now and again I come up with a little ditty...
The Empty Nest Puppy
I tend not to follow the crowd and when my son and daughter left home, I wasn’t going to suffer from empty nest, I was going to rejoice. No more having to nag, no more loud music, a house that stayed tidy, our bathroom back, more time to write, the…
My New-Found Friendship with Furry Things!
I was brought up in the New Forest and spent many an hour playing in the woods among the New Forest ponies, only to come home regularly with a runny nose and swollen eyes. As it turned out I was allergic to animal fur, not just ponies, but cats, dogs…