Musical Memories
Do you still have a record player or your old vinyl records? These are my musical memories of the old days...
You’re Never Too Old for Change
Think you're too old for change? You might surprise yourself...
Making Choices
Life can throw us curve balls, be cruel or even rob us of our childhoods, but we have a choice. We can wallow, blame circumstances or even follow in the footsteps of those we shouldn’t, or we can make a conscious decision to make life better for ourselves...
Why You Should Do NaNoWriMo
National Novel Writing Month is run between 1-30th November each year. The aim is to write 50,000 words. Wait! Before you move away telling yourself you can’t do that, please hear me out.
Useful Editing Tools
Until recently, I’d never heard of editing software. A computer doing my editing is not something I’d even thought about, let alone used. However, as I’m always open to new ways to improve my writing I thought I’d give it a try...
How to Be a Great Best Friend
A few tips on friendship...
My Empathy for Men
How does a young man find a genuine girl in this age of celebrity status?
10 Pet Hates of Menopause Woman
Read on to find out those little things that annoy women...
Need Help with Your Novel?
Interview with Literary Consultant, Diane Hall who can help with the editing and publishing of your novel and much more...
Why Dogs Make Better Friends
Dogs make better friends than most humans because...